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Everyone and Their Mom is Talking About Tessa Violet's New Single: Here's Why

Up-and-coming independent alternative pop artist Tessa Violet released "YES MOM", the first single from her upcoming sophomore album, on February 16, 2022. The single saw major success before it even officially came out. The song inspired a major trend on social media platform TikTok, amassing more than 63K TikTok creates, as well as more than 350 million views on Violet's videos alone.

Beginning on March 22, Violet will be joining indie-pop singer-songwriter Cavetown on tour. The pair will perform at twenty-five locations across the U.S., and Violet has also announced several 2022 festival show dates. These performances will include an appearance at 8123 Fest and a show at Bottlerock.



Violet builds a rich, multilayered soundscape around one recurring and decidedly pop progression. The instrumental melody provides a strong foundation for the song's other facets–it brings cohesiveness amidst the rapidly evolving production elements. "YES MOM" begins in soft arpeggios, the vocals coming in after just two bars. This mellow intro sets the single up for an explosive beat drop and wide dynamic range.

The arrangement drops down to a synth bass part and drums, leaving room for Violet's lyrics. The bouncy tempo keeps the energy consistent throughout the song, even in quieter moments, and the re-introduction of the piano feels perfectly timed. While the melodies and chord progressions of "YES MOM" are extremely ear-catching, the single's clever instrumentation and production are what really make it pop. New layers coming in and out of the arrangement keep the listener on the edge of their seat, wondering what might happen next.

The chorus of "YES MOM" is a wonderful whirlwind of synthesizers, strings, and light backing vocals. Each individual part serves a purpose; the tune is rich, but not overindulgent and fluffy. Violet's use of classical instrumentation, such as strings and piano, highlight the innovative nature of her distinct sound. With "YES MOM", she builds a subtle, thoughtful bridge between alternative pop and classical music–two genres not commonly linked. On the Intersect Magazine Scale of 1-10 for sound and production, "YES MOM" receives an 8.5/10.


With the lyrical content and empowering message of "YES MOM", Violet is "the one to beat". The self-love anthem transforms hairbrushes into microphones and ordinary hallways into catwalks, encouraging listeners to feel confident and unstoppable in everything they do.

Violet brings a powerful reminder that we should all be our own number one fan, rather than seeking the approval of others.

Photo by Sarah Pardini
"Bet you've been a fan of me / See me in your fantasies / Everything I got, I got working for me, so / Eat that, peep that, I'm the one to beat, yeah"

The lyrics are straightforward and memorable, making "YES MOM" a fantastic sing-along. Backing vocals double and harmonize with Violet's lead at various points throughout the song, as well as add depth to the track in other ways. Following the beat drop, the hook line is electronically mixed up, preventing the single from sounding repetitive. "YES MOM" receives an 8/10 on the Intersect Magazine scale of 1-10 for lyrics.


From Violet's first release, her 2019 debut album Bad Ideas, she has stood out as an artist to watch. Singles and music videos such as "Crush" and "Games" (with lovelytheband) have broken the internet, and with "YES MOM", Violet has done it again.

The songwriter and artist has put out one hit after another and continues to push the boundaries of the alternative pop genre. Violet's edgy new take on pop appeals to a massive demographic, and has generated a number of trends and meaningful discussions across the globe. Following the last two years of isolation and fear, Violet's bold declaration of self-confidence and positivity is just what we needed. The single is both well-intentioned and well-executed. On the Intersect Magazine Scale of 1-10 for art behind the sound, "YES MOM" is a 9/10.

As a whole, the different elements of "YES MOM" seamlessly unite to pack a powerful sonic punch. The single is playful, captivating, and signals the start of a new era for Tessa Violet, leaving us with only one question: what's next? On the Intersect Magazine Overall Scale of 1-10, "YES MOM" scores an 8.5/10.

Check out Tessa Violet's "YES MOM" below and let us know what you think.



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